tisdag 8 oktober 2013

A piece of my mind

I can't sleep so might as well scribble

Tomorrow I will meet my group and discuss an assignment in which we're to create a board game.
This week we are to come up with the aesthetics we want for the game we're making; I don't know what aesthetics I want in our game, I just know that I don't want to make a copy of any game we played in the previous assignment.
Our previous assignment was to play two board games and one roleplaying game, then analyze them and define and describe their core mechanic.
The board games we played was:


The first game we chose was Gloom(here is a video of it worth watching). It's a card game where each player has five family members and your goal is to make your own family as unhappy as possible and then kill them. You do this by playing death, event and modifier-cards.
Each card has a title which promotes for storytelling, this is the greatest strength of the game since it's what makes the game more than just numbers on a character, you bond with the characters and their misfortune. Since you want to hear the stories you tend to not plan ahead for your next turn and therefore this game contains a lot of waiting for players.

Pro's: Easy to learn, creative, humorous.
Con's: Promotes not planing ahead, creating 'down time'.


The second game was Kingdoms an accual "board" game since it contained a grid board; it also contained a number of tiles, some castles in various colors and a lot of coins. You place the tiles upside down and spread them out, each player then picks one tile which they are allowed to look at, 50 coins, a color and the corresponding castles.
The tiles contains a positive or negative number, this is the points all castles in a horizontal or vertical alignment with the tile gain or lose. The castles also have a number of dots on them, this is a multiplier that is used to multiply the score of any horizontal or vertical line the castle is placed on. The tiles also contains dragons which negates all the positive values the of the tiles in horizontal or vertical alignment with it, a gold mine which double the positive values aligned with it and mountains which blocks the effects of all tiles beyond them. Each turn a player may place a random tile, the tile they picked at the start of the game or place a castle and when the board is filled the players count their scores. The players then get their castles with one dot on them back and loses the rest and then plays the game two more times.

Pro's: Easy to learn, short game time, replayability.
Con's: Tedious to count score.

That's all for today, goodnight and thanks for reading.
-David Forssell

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