The saving throw was lowered to 7+ and for each aditional trap in the room the you add 3 to the threshold, i.e. 1 trap 7+, 2 traps 10+, 3 traps 13+, and so on.
We decided to do this change since the traps were way to strong, especially during the endgame when the wizard could force the players to walk on the traps, so a 50/50 chance of taking 8 damage for about 6 mana was way to strong.
As for the wizard we tested to let him start at three mana and that helped alot more than we'd tought But to reduce the heroes power at the start of the game, we removed alot of equipment and replaced them with consumable potions. This made the wizards spell "Demolish"(Destroy target equipment) alot more powerful since equipment was harder to come by.
Today we had a QA sesion with our primary teacher Adam, we only had half an hour with him and the game takes about 45 minutes to play. So needless to say he didn't get to finnish playing before the next group came along, but he did get sad when he had to stop playing which is a good sign. He liked the game and told us to just muck about with it this week, try and add classes, perhaps a town where you purches items and so on.
This is all for this week since I'm going to Gamex to show up a game I worked on last year called "Tribal Marathon"
That's all for today, goodnight and thanks for reading.
-David Forssell
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