This thursday I pulled together the entire class and everyone tested at least one other game in the class. Since our game takes 45min - 1h 30min to play depending on the players experience only one group had time to test our game. It took the testers 1h 15min to play a round of our game. And their impresion of the game was that the traps were too powerfull, as it stands right now you roll a 10+ saving throw for each trap in a room you've entered, each roll you fail you take 2 damage for.
I also have found them to be a bit overpowered so what we plan to do is to change the trap system to, the more traps there are in a room the higher you have to roll, but you can only take two damage maximum.
A second thing they said was that the wizard was to weak at the start of the game, we've tried to fix this problem earlier by adding more lowcost cards in the game and increasing the mana the wizard gains but it seems that we still need to work on it a bit.
They also told us that there were to few potions in the game but I'm doubtful since this might just be an effect of the huge damage of the traps. So we will first try to fix the traps, and then if the problem remains we will add more potions.
All and all they loved our system and only feelt that we need to balance yet some more, so next week will be a balancing-week aswell.
That's all for today, goodnight and thanks for reading.
-David Forssell
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